
Sign and manage your documents from wherever you are

Enough of printing and scanning. Choose EZtrust Digital or Handwritten Signature and send documents instantly from any device. It's secure and very easy. Register now, explore the EZtrust app and get to sign documents for free.

Two types of signatures

Select from two types of legally binding signatures. EZtrust Digital Signature - an electronic signature where signers use their personal passwords to sign. And an advanced Handwritten Signature captured through a touchscreen or signature pad.

It's hassle-free

Upload, sign, send. With EZtrust, digital signing is extremely easy. Download our app, or use browser, register and get a free starting bundle. Manage your contracts, forms and other important documents in your favourite device.

Sending documents for signatures

Send documents for signatures to anybody, anywhere in the world. You can request a specific type of signature or leave the decision to the signer. Upload your PDF, add signature fields, send it, track the progress, access archived documents.